Friday 15 September 2017

Security guard accidentally shoots himself then invents imaginary black man to blame it on

A university security officer is facing charges after he made up an imaginary black assailant to avoid admitting to accidentally shooting himself.

Brent Patrick Ahlers, shot himself in the shoulder but was worried the blunder might cost him his job.

Instead, the 25-year-old claimed told police in a 911 call he had been shot by a black man with a "short afro", wearing black jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt.

The accident prompted a lockdown at St Catherine University, the Minnesota-based campus where he works. The subsequent manhunt involved 55 police officers, a state aircraft and four dogs.

Mr Ahlers later admitted he accidentally shot himself while handling his handgun.

He was treated in hospital with non-serious injuries and later booked into a local jail.

Sergeant Mike Ernster, a St Paul Police Department spokesman, said the security guard's false report meant that “1,800 students (were) held captive in their dorm rooms.

“It had residents of the Mac-Groveland and Highland Park communities fearful that a suspect was on the loose and they could be victimised at any moment.”

Initially Mr Ahlers was booked into prison cited with false reporting of a crime, a misdemeanor. He spent a night there before being released.

Deputy City Attorney Laura Pietan said her office was reviewing the case and would decide on charges in due course.

St Catherine University said Mr Ahlers was no longer employed by them.

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